Thursday, January 15, 2009

50 completely honest things about me: Part 1 of 50

I have decided to do a little get to know me project. I will post 50 completely honest, completely uncensored, completely random things about myself for you to ponder. Some of you may think I'm nucking futs, some of you may want to make arrangements at the psych ward but then again some of you might have the same thoughts in your crazy heads!

Some will have in depth explanations and theories and others my just be a sentence- depends on how the mood is striking at the time!

And so it starts.....

Part 1 of 50: I Hate Feet

Yes, it’s true, I hate feet. I don’t know when or why this dislike started, and it may actually be men’s feet that I truly despise, but for the sake of this post it is feet in general.

It could have all started in college with my Art 104 class. The class where I had to draw hands and feet for 2 weeks straight (and eventually nude models). Some of you may even remember me following you around begging to draw one of your appendages but I actually think the fear & distaste for them started long before that.

I can't grasp that fact that a person can like feet, let alone like them enough to have a fetish. I have a purse fetish...I can not fathom a foot fetish! I saw a youtube video once where a girl was biting her toenails... I almost lost my lunch.

There is an array of reasons really: they are ugly with their weird shapes & sizes and bony features, they are hairy (sometimes), stinky, and dirty. They have toenails and toenails can have fungus.

Yet even though I hate feet, I admit I love to paint my toenails, throw on a toe ring or wear flip flops in the summer and I love to have my feet rubbed by J. But I will forever cringe at the thought of actually giving a foot massage. Are you serious? Actually touch them? I don't think so. Well, maybe, if I had gloves on.


Jamie Payne said...

That's hilarious! Jameson has a foot fettish!! He is constantly rubbing his feet one something and wants us to play with his toes all of the time. I must agree with you general, feet are pretty disgusting:)

Anonymous said...

I never really thought about feet but I'm with you, I guess. I love a good pedicure but don't want anyone else touching my feet and I do not like to rub someone elses. Not even Dave's.
Now about Grandma's picture. YOU HAVE TO PUT THE OTHER ONE ON.......take this one OFF!!!!!PLEASE!!!!

Anonymous said...

That anonymous is from your Mother. I'm learning how to use this