Friday, May 17, 2013

We bit the bullet...

... and cancelled our cable t.v.  I know, some of you are gasping right now, eyes bugged out and unable to process what you just read.  But. We. Did. It.  And I can't say that I'm the least bit upset about it.  I had realized that besides the ridiculous monthly expense, that seemed to increase without warning, I was spending way too many hours in front of the tube and not enough doing other things.  If you would have told me a year ago that I would be living without cable, I would have laughed in your face.  I  never understood how my friend Kristen could live without the shows on cable and often felt like she was a cave-woman (she kinda is, she also does not have Internet).  It's not that bad, Really.  We have Netflix streaming live through our X-box and have the capability for HULU but haven't even subscribed yet.  We did purchase a set of bunny ears, but only 1 local channel comes in and I haven't even learned how to turn that on anyways!  I catch up with current events by reading online papers.
In fact, last week Thursday I was in my room putting away clothes and cleaning up and decided to put on Vampire Diaries.  I realized that that was the first time ALL WEEK that I had even turned the t.v on.  I've been so much more productive, I have plans & projects I want to work on.  Getting rid of cable is one of the best things we've done.  Saying "damn the man", was exhilarating and empowering and it helps when we have $80+ extra in the wallet at the end of the month!