Friday, March 13, 2009

50 Completely Honest Things About Me: Part 9 of 50

Part 9 of 50: I am an only child (kind of)

I've been raised as an only child my entire life. When asked if I have any siblings my immediate reaction is "no, I'm an only child", but it's not entirely true. I am the only child to my parents- my mom and my dad together. But I do, did, have a half brother. My mom had a baby boy-Jason- when she was just out of high school, who passed away of SIDS when he was only a few months old. He would be a year older than J.

That being said, still I am an an only child. I did not have any siblings to mess with me and often sat bored and alone in my room. Being an only child was wonderful at times and crappy at times. The fact that my parents owned their own business didn't help as I often got picked on about being the "spoiled rich kid" in class. If they all knew now that rich we were not. Spoiled- yes, my mom had a tendency to spoil the crap out of me- still does to a point. But I worked my ass off as well. I started clearing tables on Deer Season at the age of 9, I made my first Bloody Mary at 10 (I was told it was fabulous by the way). It wasn't until my junior year of High School that I was allowed to take a Friday night off of work-and it was to go toilet papering for Homecoming! A time honored occurrence once a year! I did go on to become the TP Queen of the class of 1998 but that's another post.

I worked hard for a teenager and I often bought a lot with my own money. I was taught at an early age how to save as well and was able to purchase my very first vehicle with cash- my own cash.

I sometimes wish that I would have had siblings to grow up with but I also know that my parents and I are extremely close because I didn't. We're the 3 amigos, musketeers or stooges- which ever way you want to put it.

I was blessed that my wonderful husband grew up with 3 sisters that I inherited immediately. They all make me feel like I belong and I can truly say that I have sisters now- maybe late in life- but I have them. And after hearing some of the stories... I'm even more happy I was an only child growing up!

1 comment:

Jamie Payne said...

Oh my goodness. That must have been so sad for your poor mom! I too am an only child..sort of. I have a step brother and step sister but I prefer to drop the "step". I've always been spoiled horribly by both sets of parents. Since I had it so good as an only child many are surprised that I wanted more than one child myself.