Wednesday, June 3, 2009

June...... smells like graduation!

It's that time of year again, yep, graduation time!

We had Parker's 8th grade graduation ceremony last night at the Crivitz Middle School. I was actually impressed with how nice the ceremony was!

Parker was the proud (and surprised) recipient of this years Presidential Physical Fitness Award & Medal (the only one in his class). A very big honor for a kid who is extremely into his fitness and all sports. It's really hard for me to realize that he is starting High School in August. And Sara informed us that next summer starts............... drivers ed............. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Congrats, Park- Please slow down- you're growing up WAY too fast!

Another special guy recently graduated as well!
Ayden graduated from Pre-school and will start Kindergarten in August. We were bummed that we were there a week early and missed the adorable ceremony. Isn't he a handsome little graduate?!!!


Jamie Payne said...

It's hard to believe that Parker was Ayden's age when I first met him! Now he's going to be a big high school kid!! Congrats to Parker on his wonderful award.

I see you've been pilfering photos from my blog again:) You crack me up!

Mama Schultz said...

We're so proud of Parker getting the Presidential Fitness award. Can't beleive he's going to be a "fiesty freshman" already.