Thursday, June 18, 2009

Attack of the pleather ottoman

Yes, you read right- I was attacked by my new pleather storage ottuman. And... it BROKE MY TOE. Just flat out call me a clutz or call it exercise karma since I should have been at yoga class- which ever- I stubbed my toe and yes, it broke. To clear up any miscommunication- I did not kick the ottuman in a fit of rage and I was not running when I hit the ottuman. Simply put the damn thing jumped in my way as I was walking through the living room.
I will save you from the pictures I took as they are pretty gruesome. I did send a phone picture to a friend and she replied back that it was a good thing I had my toenails painted because at first she didn't know what the picture was.
The victimized toe _lets call her Mindy- is the next door neighbor to the baby toe on my left foot or the "ring" toe if you will. And although all of my toes are a little stubby and a little fat she is about double the size as her twin sister on my right foot. She is also a beautiful shade of purple black that would actually make a great shade of night time eye shadow! Mindy has been getting up close and personal with my middle toe as she has been taped together with him for a couple of days now and seems to be getting better. I have gotten a new walk which now includes walking on my heel with my toes up so that I don't put any pressure on her. I have now perfected this walk so there isn't so much of a "hobble" to it! However, I am moving round like a stelth bomber as to not run into anything, let the dog jump on it or drop anything on to it. I had to get a sub for volleyball on Tuesday and my have to get one for next week as well. Such a stupid little injury... really sucks!
Oh, hell I can't keep the picture from you.... wait for it.... wait for it....
Bam!!!! Sorry for the poor quality picture it's off of my phone.

1 comment:

Jamie Payne said...

EEEEEWWWWWW! Okay, that's gross! You truly are a massive klutz...but it's okay because it's nice to know there are others just like me.

BTW - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new blog template. Super cute!