Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Time flies when you're having fun...

Parker a/k/a PK 3000, Park dawg, P diddy dub is 14 today. Where has the time gone? It feels like it all just snuck up on me. Like last night when I went to bed he was 6 and today I wake up and he's taller than me.

Lets recap the years shall we.....

Here is Park- at 6 years old. This is the year that I met him and J and I started dating.
Then: he ordered dino-tots and mini-corndogs at Applebee's when we went out to eat. He colored- out of the lines. He got carried to and tucked into bed every night. He loved just running around outside and playing in the dirt.
Now: he eats enough to fill 2 grown men- and then eats some more. He has a Myspace account. He's usually in his room- so we don't know when he goes to sleep. He hangs out texting and playing video games.

Here's Parker at 7. This was an odd hair year. He had 2 bright blond spots that appeared that year and no one knows why.
Then: he still put his baby teeth under the pillow for the toothfairy to bring money. We had to tell him to brush his teeth, wash his hair in the shower & use soap on his body. He watched Disney movies.
Now: he has all his adult teeth. He takes 30 minute showers and uses all the hot water- J gets to take cold showers now. He watches movies with us and I get uncomfortable and fidgety when there is kissing scenes, sexual suggestions (or more).

8 years old and climbing. I love this picture- it looks like someone is pinching his butt!
Then: he started little league. He still had to have help making his cereal or a sandwich. He didn't know his address by heart yet. He still brought home art projects from school.
Now: he plays football, basketball and is in wrestling. He makes his own food, whenever he is hungry. He has his own cell phone number. He doesn't even bring books home from school.

Here he is at 9. This is the year J and I got married.
Then: he was the ring bearer at our wedding. His favorite toy was legos. Riding his bike and playing in the yard were his things to do.
Now: He still likes legos, but texting, video games and the computer are his thing. He plays cribbage and poker with J. He's in the popular group at school.

10 years old and all boy.
Then: he started begging for a cell phone- even though he had no place to go! He played with light sabers from the Star Wars movies. He still asked for toys for Christmas and his birthday. He had a portable cd player. He wants a green mohawk.
Now: he has unlimited texting on his own cell phone- a Razor at that. He spends his money on gifts for his girlfriend and stuff he needs. He has an Ipod Touch. He asks for cash and gift cards for holidays & his birthday.

11 going on 20
Then: he wanted to be old enough to stay home alone during the summer at our house. He did partially but my parents were only 1 block down the street and he had to check in with them every hour or so. He still has a twin bed and sports sheets. He has a different girlfriend every week.
Now: he's old enough to stay home alone- but he snoops! J still calls to check in every hour or so if we do leave him at home. He has a double bed and sleeps with 3-5 pillows. No kiddy sheets either.

Here he is at 12
Then: he thought his parents were cool! He didn't talk back and was always willing to do stuff to get money. He wore snow boots, snow pants, a hat and gloves during the winter.
Now: parents are definitely NOT cool! Even if he gets allowance doing chores is lame. It's hard enough to get him to wear a winter jacket let alone everything else. Teenagers do not wear hats, gloves or boots.

This is now
He loves long hair- the longer the better. He's 6 inches taller than me and an inch taller than J. He is ALL teenager. He's had the same girlfriend for a whole 3 months now. He knows all and wants to be treated like an adult. He thinks we're dorks! The count down to driving has started. We are closer to graduation and adulthood.

And even though I have watched him grow into a teenager, I still see the litte boy- on our first date- ordering dino-tots & mini-corndogs, coloring-outside of the lines and playing in the dirt!

Happy Birthday, bud!


Kristen said...

So...is Parker going to read this tribute? Or will he be too cool? It was very sweet to read:)

Jamie Payne said...

Parker had just turned 5 when I met him for the first time. He was such a funny kid! I loved listening to him sing lyrics from rap songs that his naughty daddy would teach him. I've always thought that J was such a good dad and you've been a wonderful step-mommy. Now hurry up and get that kid graduated so you can move to Georgia!!!

Roxanne Schwandt said...

WOW, I can't believe how fast he grew up. I hope Nathan doesn't grow up that fast!
My favorite thing about Parker is watching him play Guitar Hero. The funniest thing about him is how quiet he can be. Do you think he'll read this? Maybe if you sit him in front of it and say "don't move till you finish" Just in case..... HI PARK', BEHAVE! :)

Amanda said...

Cute trip down memory lane, Nikki. Still hard to believe YOU have a hand in raising someone...I could do my own trip down memory lane about YOU!!!! ;)

You're a great stepmom and Parker is very lucky to have you.