Thursday, April 23, 2009

Might as well face it, I'm addicted to........

Yes, it's true, I am an addict. I have been for quite some time, but there's a new addiction to add to my list along with purses, shoes and of course smoking. I know I'm weak but I just can't help it. I. Have. To. Have. It. Every day. My afternoon at work just isn't the same without it.

My name is Nikki... and I'm addicted to... Diet Dr. Pepper.

I know most of you are probably shocked because I am not a soda drinker. And if I do drink a soda it certainly doesn't have caffeine in it. Well I am and it does! And yes, I do suffer from the dreaded heartburn after drinking just one of these little babies. But I have to have it!
I haven't hit rock bottom with my addiction yet- I refuse to buy it for the house. That's all I would need. I'd be all hopped up on caffeine, groaning in heartburn pain, organizing and re-organizing everything, eyes bugging out of my head.

I won't let it break me. I will not bring this stuff into my home. I will not be out in some dark alley grocery store in the middle of the night looking for my next fix. I can handle this- I will get through. Pray for me...


Jamie Payne said...

I totally understand. I'm the same way with Diet Coke. I HAVE to have just one can in the morning to jump start my day. If I'm feeling weak, I have one in the afternoon too. Good luck keeping it out of your house though...weekends can be long sometimes!

Kristen said...

That's crazy because my new addiction is Diet Dr. Pepper Cherry Vanilla! LOVE IT!

Debra (a/k/a Doris, Mimi) said...

I am a scrack addict. Yes, my name is Debra and I'm addicted to scrapbooking. {sigh} There is no 12 step program for this addiction.