Sunday, February 13, 2011

I fought the FLU and the FLU won...

I don't feel good
Lungs are heavy
Uncontrollably runny nose
Ears itch and hurt
Nose is raw
It started with the sniffles and a scratchy throat on Monday afternoon. By Tuesday, it was a full on stuffed nose- occasionally turning on like my kitchen faucet- which used an entire box of Kleenex, sinus pressure, hacking cough and lets not forget the man voice. By late Wednesday morning I knew I needed the medical advise of the DR and the verdict came back that it was the good ole' fashioned flu. A twenty five dollar co-pay, doctors note with instructions of not returning to work the rest of the week, gallon of orange juice and a box of Mucinex D later, I was home in my jammies and barricaded in my room. It was not until Friday morning that my fever broke and I was finally free to leave the confines of my sick bed and move to the couch- and the big screen TV!
Back to work tomorrow- still not feeling 100% - but at least feeling half human again.
Oh, by the way- yes, I did have a flu shot this year, and no I will not be getting another one. Ever.

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